Specialist physician
Specialists intervene when a diagnosis or procedure is required in their field of expertise. Through their in-depth knowledge of a field, they can advise and provide specific answers to ensure the patient’s health There are many specialists in each health facility. Despite their specific knowledge of a given field, specialists work in a team to ensure the patient’s health.
Employment outlook
Bachelor of Health Sciences
4 to 5 years of supervised practise related to the chosen speciality
Daily tasks
- Greet the patient and make them comfortable
- Examine and diagnose the physical problems of patients in their practised speciality
- Counsel patients
- Prescribe and administer the medications and examinations necessary for the patient’s health
- Record all interventions in the patient’s medical chart
- Advise other health professionals when working as a team
Required skills
- Be able to react quickly and effectively in an emergency
- Enjoy working with the public
- Have an excellent analytical and synthesis spirit
- Have excellent dexterity
- Love physical work and handling of instruments
- This work demands close attention to detail.
Similar careers
Annual salary at 40h per week: $245 003
Min hourly rate: $51,43 / h ($106 974)
Max hourly rate: $207,70 / h ($432 016)
* Median rate according to Statistics Canada
Work locations
- Hospital center
- Private clinic
Training institutions
Available scholarships in Nova Scotia
Type of diploma obtained
Master of Science
Years of study: 4