The first people on the scene of an accident or when there is a call, ambulance attendants provide one of the first contacts in the range of care services. Their knowledge allows them to take charge and provide physical and psychological first aid when they arrive on the scene of an accident. They enjoy being in contact with people and working in emergency situations where every decision counts.
Employment outlook
High School Diploma (Academic)
Be 19 years old or over
Criminal Record Check
Police Record Check
Summary of Traffic Offences
Vaccinations current
Daily tasks
- Manage and assess a patient’s health when there is an accident
- Provide first aid to ensure the patient’s health
- Work with healthcare centres to ensure the best patient management
- Assist hospital staff if necessary
- Transport a patient between two healthcare facilities
- Ensure safety and inform families
Required skills
- Be able to react quickly and effectively in an emergency
- Enjoy working with the public
- Have an excellent analytical and synthesis spirit
- Love physical work and handling of instruments
- Love teamwork and interdisciplinary
Annual salary at 40h per week: $53 310
Min hourly rate: $22,87 / h ($47 570)
Max hourly rate: $36,06 / h ($75 005)
* Median rate according to Statistics Canada
Work locations
- Companies and industries
- Hospital center
- Private clinic
Training institutions
Available scholarships in Nova Scotia
Type of diploma obtained
College diploma
Years of study: 1