Réseau Santé – Nouvelle-Écosse’s mission is to improve access to health care in French for anyone who requests it. The network works closely with Nova Scotia Health, the Department of Health and Wellness, the Office of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie, Acadian communities and partners in immigration in order to better understand their needs and create the necessary tools and support. There are a number of tools to improve access to health care services in French for populations that need them.
To access all of the tools and resources, visit: reseausantene.ca/students and reseausantene.ca/resources
To promote the fact that you provide services in French:
- The Bonjour! program for employees, physicians, students and volunteers in hospital and facilities run by Nova Scotia Health and the IWK Health Centre
- The Bonjour/Hello tools for people who work in the health care field who are not employees of Nova Scotia Health or the IWK Health Centre
- The Directory of French-speaking Health Care Professionals (for those in private practice who are not employees of Nova Scotia Health or the IWK Health Centre)

To help your Acadian and francophone patients:
Interpretation services (spoken) at Nova Scotia Health and the IWK Health Centre to provide care to patients and families who do not speak English – available 24/7
- In-person interpretation (must be booked in advance)
- Interpretation by telephone and video, which are both available on request / with no booking needed
Documents in French available at Nova Scotia Health and the IWK Health Centre
Tell your patients to have French recorded as their language on their file at admission
To improve your French-language proficiency:
• French-English Phrase Book for Health Professionals – Free
• Anki flash cards
• Mobile apps and websites
• French language courses at Université Sainte-Anne and at the Alliance française
• Groups for French-speaking students in health programs throughout the province