Patient Safety Integrating the Active Offer with an Interprofessional Approach

When active offer is integrated into interprofessional relations

Over 10% of Nova Scotians speak French, therefore it is quite likely that Health Professionals will care for French speaking patients throughout their career.  In order to provide safe and quality care to all patients, it is important to take in consideration the patient’s language. 

This one hour workshop will provide a brief review of the Active Offer and it’s importance and also use an interdisciplinary lens to promote health care in the language of choice of the patient.

The workshop is intended to be delivered to Health Care Professionals and/or Students from two or more different disciplines at the same time in order to get the most of the workshop.

During the workshop, we will explore :

  • Define active offer of French language services.
  • Explain the relevance of active offer for safe and quality care.
  • Engage in interprofessional collaboration to value patient/client/resident, family and/or community in designing and implementing client care.
  • Consider ways to promote an active offer approach in health care.

About the workshop:

  • Session best done in person
  • One hour session
  • Free
  • Material : none
  • English only at this time

Frequently asked questions

How do I take this workshop?

Please contact us to set up a workshop delivery at your workplace or educational setting.

How much does it cost to take this workshop?

Our training is free as long as you can provide a space to be used for the delivery of the workshop.

In what language is the training given?

Currently this workshop is only offered in english.

What is the duration of the training given by your trainers

This workshop is one hour in lenght.  It can easily be provided during a lunch hour as a « lunch and luearn » or during a staff meeting.

I am a health care provider and I want to have my employees take the training. Do they have to register individually?

No, when the workshop is arranged, you can register all the employees.