en radiologie ou en échographie médicale

Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Practice


Les informations ci-dessous apparaissent qu’elles ont été envoyées par les ordres professionnels ou les partenaires référents. Elles indiquent les étapes nécessaires à suivre afin de pratiquer en Nouvelle-Écosse lorsque votre profession est réglementée. Contactez directement l’ordre professionnel pour toute question.

The main page for internationally trained applicants is found here:
The majority of internationally educated applicants who have not practised in Canada previously will need to follow Pathway #3.

On this page, there are also a few resources that may be of interest:

As of March 2023, we are now also offering a temporary conditional license to candidates who have been approved to access the national certification exam, while they are awaiting either writing the exam, or receiving the results of the exam. This licence would allow the candidate to work under direct supervision until they receive a passing result from the certification exam.

And lastly, there is a link to a survey from NS Health for a program called NICHE, to see if the candidate would qualify for any additional supports from NS Health in their pursuit of coming to work in Nova Scotia. If they do, NS Health would reach out to them directly – we are providing this link to all IEMRTs who inquire with us, but this program is not managed by NSCMIRTP.


Contact informations et reconnaissance des diplômes :