Nova Scotia Dental Technicians Association
Les informations ci-dessous apparaissent qu’elles ont été envoyées par les ordres professionnels ou les partenaires référents. Elles indiquent les étapes nécessaires à suivre afin de pratiquer en Nouvelle-Écosse lorsque votre profession est réglementée. Contactez directement l’ordre professionnel pour toute question.
The NSDTA is a member of a national federation of dental technology regulators, the Canadian Alliance of Dental Technology Regulators, which is responsible for the credentialing and competency assessment of all internationally educated applicants in Nova Scotia (and many other provinces).
There is a requirement in Nova Scotia for applicants and examinees to complete their assessments in English, however there is no further proof of language aptitude requirement.
The CADTR also counts among its membership the province of Quebec, so they may have to have some materials prepared in French to meet the French language legislation in that province.
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