
Nova Scotia College of Dispensing Opticians




Les informations ci-dessous apparaissent qu’elles ont été envoyées par les ordres professionnels ou les partenaires référents. Elles indiquent les étapes nécessaires à suivre afin de pratiquer en Nouvelle-Écosse lorsque votre profession est réglementée. Contactez directement l’ordre professionnel pour toute question.

Here is the application that would need to be completed in order to start the process: https://formationsantene.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/NS-PLAR-application.pdf

Once this application is received it is forwarded to the National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR). They work collaboratively through a national forum to support Canadian Provincial Regulators in areas such as:

  • Competencies for Opticians
  • Accreditation of Continuing Education
  • Professional Examinations
  • Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)

Once NACOR receives the application they contact and work with the applicant towards completing the PLAR process. More information on this can be found at About – NACOR.

There is also information on this process on our website at Nova Scotia College of Dispensing Opticians – Register as an International Applicant (nscdo.org).

Once all requirements are met the applicant would qualify to write the national exam. This exam in a requirement for all students and anyone seeking a career as an optician in Canada.

The Nova Scotia College of Dispensing Opticians would warmly welcome any questions from anyone considering a career as an Optician in Nova Scotia.


Contact informations et reconnaissance des diplômes : registrar@nscdo.org